Thursday, September 20, 2012


If one could pour time in and out of cups,
Splendid it would be to make a cocktail,
And filter out the humdrum time that went stale....
Wash the memories clean from the plate,
Start off things in an entirely new slate.
To freeze the crystal ball from taking unwanted shape,
Seal in the moments to paint a beautiful landscape,
Only if one could pour time in and out of cups..

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Get Lost & Then Get Found

The road arches towards a dilapidated church,
In the Gothic ambiance rings a bell,
You see an enchanted oak door at the exit,
And are surprised to find something interesting,
Midst the ramshackle lies something fascinating.

There is a set of patterns you have to follow,
So you ignore the door and trod on the same path,
Your shadow pulls you to the other side,
But you hold in and contain yourself,
Like an unread book lying on the shelf.

A subtle voice grows strong,
Making you see the true lies around,
The journey which you are looking for,
Seems to begin where the road ends.
From the ashes the phoenix ascends.

A moment then arrives,
When the fear of failure is not a concern.
Your soul shall no longer be ravaged,
A soul that awakens to live and soar,
You go and walk in through that oak door.

PS : Title is inspired by a song sung by Coldplay (Swallowed In The Sea)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sleepy Woes

There are days when you sit all idle,
A million ideas to write,
But something doesn't seem right.

There are words waiting to be grasped,
But they seem out of reach,
A blank page on a distant beach.

I am sitting with a notebook and a pen,
I have to write, I know that feeling inside,
But my head, my heart and my words have gone off for a ride.

And I thought I saw a theme,
Waited for the idea to grow and complete,
Like a turtle head the idea took a retreat.

Right now I can't create or describe,
Even though a million thoughts are on a frenzy,
I wish them to drown in some far off river like Mackenzie.

Nothing good happens after 2 am,
So I set off writing about the above woes of nothing in particular,
A good nights sleep and tomorrow will be spectacular!