Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's Just ME

I was awake,
At the daybreak.
Yet my vision was opaque,
I just didn’t want to wake,
Maybe i got up by mistake,
But so was not the case.

I had to go out,
My heart wanted to remain within the confines,
I sauntered amongst people,
Yet i was alone.
I blend well with amass of people,
As well, remain immune to the chaotic ambience,
Wandering in pursuit of my thoughts,
They bring happiness which can’t be bought.

I can’t remain aloof, yet i love my solitary
Sometimes i find solace in crowd
Yet occasionally, i am lost in a crowd!
My life revolves in closed circular ring,
People for whom i care, enclosed within
They act as oxygen when i breathe in.
Inside these priceless endless circled ring,
Trust, hope and true love will always cling.

Happenings in the surrounding affects me,
But i know i cant set everyone free.
I have many dreams.
Some serious, some trivial, some juvenile.
I know i will turn them true,
Some, a figment of my imagination,
The child within wants them to come true.

I want to perforate the clouds,
Give them a feel of being stippled with silver.
It's the rainbow i want to surf through,
Stand at the point where sky kisses the horizon,
Feel the sun rise and set, yet somewhere far,
Watch the sinking sun paint the sky orangish gold,
Slowly watch the blanket of stars enfold.
Increases your faith in creator by manifold.

The True Vision

As I sat on the sea shore,
Watching the tides rise and ebb,
Somehow a feeling of gloom enclosed,
Life seemed to be heading in no way.
Looking for 'What' behind the perfect door,
Entangled in a self spun web,
In mundane tasks blissfully engrossed,
The mechanical clocks tick in melancholy in each day.

I am pulled out of the slumber,
As mirthful laugh fills my ears,
My eyes wander in direction of sound,
To find two kids building sand castle.
Humming to tunes in cheerful numbers,
Not bothering to look as I draw near,
It didn't look breathtakingly astound,
Yet there was happiness in those eyes so hazel.

The castle was the opposite of beautiful,
Just a lump of moist sand,
Topped with flowers that had wilted,
Bordered with ugly rocks and shell.
Once, twice, thrice with all the energy I could pull,
I asked if they wanted a hand,
They turned and looked at a void space ahead,
Suddenly something within me rang a bell.

Reality hit me like a bolt from blue,
The kids lived in utter darkness, totally blind.

That’s when the girl turned around and said,
Don't the flowers smell nice?
I looked at the innocent joy on her face,
And at the withered colourless petals...
No words to answer, tears welled instead.
Realization hit colder than ice,
Tiny moments of happiness in the mad race,
Are always present under the sign of integrals;

Yet oblivious we just walk through,
In quest of something significant.
Only when you see people less fortunate,
does the importance dawn;
To relish every second from a melting chocolate fondue.
Else life will just be a remnant.
Their blindness didn't leave them in a sorry state,
In spite of the daily hardships undergone.

Here they were, having all the fun in the world,
With whatever they had and could find,
They were blessed with true inner sight.
Through their eyes, I finally could see,
Pages from my life unfurled,
With myself I really have been unkind.
Just wishing for more resulting in blight,
Groping in darkness, the one blind was me.

Now I sat with the unsuspecting kids,
Breathing in the fragrance of flowers and sea,
Enjoying the waves grazing my feet,
Thanking them for what they made me see.

A Simple Wish

A thought sparks in mind,
Take a pick for next life.
Many options for the perfect find,
Something to lessen others strife.

To be a delicate flower is my wish,
My simple desire is to live and give.
To be a Lily/daisy in memory to cherish.
Until uprooted from the earth to leave.

To bloom by the mountainside,
Admist the rumble of river flowing by,
Swaying in the arms of wind like a bride,
Spreading fragnance till the last sigh.

A day comes,someone arrives to pick,
In search of a perfect gift,
To make the significant others heart click,
And not have it miffed.

Even as i wither away,
My scent fills the air,
A souvenir for coming days,
Encompassed with tender love and care.

To be preserved in a book's page,
Even though the beauty has begun to wane,
Those special memories with time age,
A simple flower with no complain.

Innocent Plea From The Destitute

Ahead lay a broken wing
seperated from the blue.
Trying to spread its wing
Betwix fresh drops of due.
Feeble wil'st to cling
Flow of thoughts going askew
Awaiting for death's knell to ring
An angel' comes in view
Takes it under its wing
To a beautiful haven all new.