Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Antithesis Views

I command my brain,
Absolutely no more thinking,
Go sit in a quiet corner,
Shut up and meditate.

Hah! it laughs and floods all the thoughts in,
In a frenzy the thoughts party with chaos and din.

May be it's a matter of heart I analyse,
And I command my heart to step in.
Ask it to reshuffle and align  the pot pourri of thoughts,
'I just pump blood & such tasks are beyond my forte' it says!

The brain, the heart; the mighty powers fight to seize control,
Aaaaah! The dichotomy between the north and south pole.

I give up and decide I will do what I have to do,
The superpowers can continue to bicker,but I will move on,
Dancing on the edge and deciding on which side to fall,
It's pretty easy, I am just gonna toss and take a call.

I decide to bank on destiny and put an end to the cacophonous spat,
The burden lessened as though a brick was removed from under the thinking hat.

And just as I was about to do a free fall,
The brain and heart together got a stroke,
Within a jiffy they arrived at a common conclusion,
Ending the cacophony which existed a moment before.

    Well now, the brain said 'I win',
    The heart said ' You Lose'.
    ' I don't care', said the head,
     To which it's foe said 'Yes, you do'.

    Idiots I say! Such antithesis views,
    For once just stop to confuse and amuse!!


  1. Nice one.. Searching for any word you left from dictionary to be used for this comment.!!

    Miss Philosopher :)

  2. Nice read.
    Its important for one to control the brain chemicals, rather than be their slave.
    Cheers! :)
