Wednesday, September 25, 2013


And you wake up with sleepy eyes,
With residue of effervescent dreams..
Go, get up, get going, its a long day..
Outside, its still a mild shade of grey.

Rub your eyes, crack your knuckles,
Stretch, yawn, and snuggle out of bed.
Splash cold water on your face,
Shake your head and get in place.

The silence around you speaks,
The dip dip from the tap that leaks,
The squeak from the fan that creaks.
The clock that tick-tocks, tired but true.
The sound of birds who woke up with you,
The muffled footsteps, screeching door,
Distant buzz of the lift at morning four.

Brew some fresh coffee,
Let its smell wake you up.
Not too hot, not too cold,
Just perfect that you can hold.
Have it at leisure, sans any worry..
Other coffees of the day you can scurry.

The cab arrives, the driver honks,
Swing your bag and lock the main door.
Here and there you can see few souls,
Early workers, tiring off their soles.
It looks all peaceful and serenely quiet,
Empty streets will soon turn into a riot.

Music plays in the background,
Oblivious, you nod your head in rhythm,
Lost in a completely different spectrum,
About nothing and everything to come.
The destination arrives,
You swipe in at six fifteen,
Back in front of your screen.


  1. Good one Anagha. :)

    You reach office at 6:15!! :-O

    1. Yup 6.15 !! Strangely its good...avoid traffic at both times :P
