Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Extinct'ly Distint

It seems absolutely
interesting  and lovely,
And might I add,
Not far stretched
And opposite of lovely.
To take a walk
To the milky way
And to decipher,
The Morse code
Of the blinking stars
along the way.

But there seems to be one
Fundamental obstruction
along my way,
Distance and remoteness
Of the milky way.

The nocturnal choreography,
Seems out of the world.
As one by one stars unfurled.
Maybe that one there was
Christened after a
Charming young king.
Just because it looks
So cryptic and seducing.

There are just,
One too many..
Might as well say,
Plethora to a plenty,
Managed to count till two twenty
Then had to come to a abrupt halt
You ask me why? Because,
Ursa minor just winked,
Oh my god,
A sign so succinct,
A wink so distinct,
That it is forcing me,
To have a new instinct

If only it stopped at this,
But that's just not it,
The flaring end of a comet,
Is luring me into its orbit.
And to add more to it,
Another constellation
Of arcane irrationality,
Is tempting me to hop that way.

But there seems to be one
Fundamental obstruction
along my way,
Distance and remoteness
Of the galaxies far far way.

What do I do,
What do I say?
Who needs flimsy nets
Of reality anyway?