Monday, September 21, 2015

Guten Morgen!

Three beams of monochromatic light, 
Travelling parallel to each other,
Faster than the speed of sound,
At par with the speed of light.
Pierced their way through the ozone, 
For a morning premiere,
Past the ionosphere, 
Through the nebulous clouds, 
through the tree tops,
reflected here, refracted there and,
finally with fraction of the energy it had, 
entered my window, seeped through the curtains 
And caressed gently on my eyelids. 

And so ended its slightly longer than sojourn,
A tad bit draggy with all the jet lags, 
mild discomfort of travelling miles, 
From the sun to a vision captured in my eye.

Knock knock..?
Knock knock who ?
Good Morning from infinity and beyond.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Venice, Rome or Home?

The funny thing about what you miss is that they are not something utterly complex. They are the most rudimentary things that you have been taking for granted almost throughout. Maybe the elves did it when you slept peacefully in the night and you never realized it.

And getting things straight is more difficult than solving a discrete Fourier transformation.

It’s not about just having the perfect morning coffee, but it is about keeping stock of milk, sugar to make the perfect pot of steaming hot kaapi. It’s not about just unfolding the crisp pages of the morning newspaper while sipping your coffee. It’s about getting it.

It's not about just cooking; it’s about finding the perfect pots and pans to cook them. To store them. It’s not just buying veggies, but about finding them in the fridge, fresh and green as per your whim and demands. Availability check on stocks and forecasting suddenly becomes difficult.

It’s about finding those perfect containers to keep salt, sugar, spices in. Small, medium, large size containers are suddenly very important. And guess what, they don’t materialize in the cabinet on their own. They sure don’t reproduce, but they do tend to disappear a lot. You tear open a packet but you don’t know where to store.
Segregating garbage and disposing it is a big task. Finding the most practical and easily accessible place for mops and tissues is a must.

The house mysteriously starts eating your socks. There is a hungry monster inside my washing machine which keeps eating my clothes. Any thing which comes in a pair you lose one of it. Then you buy another pair and you are left with three.

And guess what happens when you don’t keep track of things?

You have everything but you have no system in place. You skip making coffee. Tea is just not your cup of tea. You bring chopped vegetables and then forget it in fridge. Or you buy so many stuff at once thinking that you might need them, but’s just adding more to the recycled waste. Oh and you have to dispose it too! 
The fridge has lots of stuff, ice-cream, flavored curd, sauces and many more sophisticated edible items. But whola you want to have curd rice and you cannot find curd!

The tin containers with the biscuits don’t exist, but the crumbles from the last packet of Oreo’s sure does.

Perfect pots and pans are non-existent.

Salt and sugar are used directly from the packet, till you find some small container to keep it. And then you keep it in the container, and cannot find the container and go back to the packet. I don’t know why it is easy to find the packet and not the container! The dustbin overloads, till you think it’s time to throw away the waste maybe in a week.  

You will quit reading newspaper with the morning cup of coffee. Reducing on waste I say, who needs paper when you have cell phones and laptops and tablets and what not. You start to think which are the clothes that are wrinkle free so than you can just wash plus dry and look all chic and suave.
You keep buying small things like tapes, pins, markers; as and when you need, and then again misplace them. Things start mysteriously disappearing. It was right there you believe, safely kept on a side, but it is not.

What do you do??

Well, you get a rhythm, get a system, get a grip….home is home…home sweet home..

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Extinct'ly Distint

It seems absolutely
interesting  and lovely,
And might I add,
Not far stretched
And opposite of lovely.
To take a walk
To the milky way
And to decipher,
The Morse code
Of the blinking stars
along the way.

But there seems to be one
Fundamental obstruction
along my way,
Distance and remoteness
Of the milky way.

The nocturnal choreography,
Seems out of the world.
As one by one stars unfurled.
Maybe that one there was
Christened after a
Charming young king.
Just because it looks
So cryptic and seducing.

There are just,
One too many..
Might as well say,
Plethora to a plenty,
Managed to count till two twenty
Then had to come to a abrupt halt
You ask me why? Because,
Ursa minor just winked,
Oh my god,
A sign so succinct,
A wink so distinct,
That it is forcing me,
To have a new instinct

If only it stopped at this,
But that's just not it,
The flaring end of a comet,
Is luring me into its orbit.
And to add more to it,
Another constellation
Of arcane irrationality,
Is tempting me to hop that way.

But there seems to be one
Fundamental obstruction
along my way,
Distance and remoteness
Of the galaxies far far way.

What do I do,
What do I say?
Who needs flimsy nets
Of reality anyway?