Words to wind the neglected corner of mind,
Words which make the neatly folded,
And creased heart of mine,
Unfold itself from within the shrine,
Without any cue on every single line.
Sometimes the heart sings in symphony...
Or sometimes it turns utterly dissonant.
With every single vowel and consonant..
It goes aaha with exclamation,
Its curls within in contemplation,
It thumps across the ribs in shock,
Goggle eyed and left to gawk.
The jaded ink stains impregnate them self..
Plain words in a book from a cobwebbed shelf.
Hiding in the veil of anonymity.
The heart gets scrambled, it gets crumpled..
Even with words that are jumbled...
Its makes you hear the beat of a foreign heart,
The spaces in time which do not prolong,
But neither do they so easily part.
Words which immortalize the fading memory,
Like those letters written from Max to Mary.
Words which bring music to your ears,
Like 'An equal Music' to drown in tears.
The heart, beats from within those pages,
To pierce right though in gradual stages.
It's just plain simple words on page,
Which remain timeless even as we age..
PS: 1. Mary and max is a clay animated movie and it revolves around being pen friends
2. An equal music is a book by Mr Vikram Seth, a book about two gifted musicians and one on the brink of losing her hearing.